Postcards from the Valley

Here we hope to store our possibly valuable memories of our time in Portland Oregon for future generations. The information which will proliferate this highly confidential post will be far from objective. It was to be a classic affirmation of everything right and true in the national character. A gross physical salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this county, but only for those with true grit. And we are chock full of that man! You can count on Laura and I to share our unwanted opinions and rants from this day forward, hopefully on something other than mundane machinations of the morning commute. So sit back and enjoy, but always remember, we must keep moving, this is bat country.

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4.5.09 ~ The 'No Updates for 3 Months!' Update

Wow, that has never happened to me before, I swear. Life kind of hit a brick wall and I am still trying to pick up the pieces. Upon returning to work in January I was faced with a decision. Should I leave behind all the Pixie Pal's that I made in Brisby Land's own Tinker Island to work for a company which produces state of the art graphic design and productivity suites from sun cooked clay? Why did I even have to ask myself that question?!? After applying and scoring higher on the test than my own manager did when he was an agent on the contract, I was in... For three weeks.
Why on earth would a company pay thirteen trainees to complete four of the five weeks of training at a cost of well over two thousand dollars per person only to lay them off? How could that possibly be a sound decision? You could say, lay off your 8 lowest performers on the floor and then weed the bad newbies... More paperwork I imagine. More difficult conversations. On the plus side the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act cut my Cobra payments to 25% so I can afford to have healthcare. Now if only I could find a job...
I have a million pictures I need to put up. There's Bill's visit, Dad's visit, the Olympic Peninsula, the Mount Hood hot springs, and pictures of the MINIVAN WE NOW OWN! That's right, we are the proud owners of a minivan, what is my life coming to?
I am so far behind. I want to transition the site to Drupal or Wordpress and then add start using flash galleries for the pictures, but can hardly find the time. All I can say is that I am going to try harder to not go three months without putting something up here for no one to read. Until next time...

2.10.09 ~ Portland Sunrise

So yeah... Sunday I was dumb enough to get out of bed on my day off and get out to take some pictures. I will probibly put up another gallery at some point but for now I thought I would share a few images with you all. The first is a Panorama shot laced togeather from 5 images. Since I wasn't quite awake I ended up out there with just one memory card so I couldn't take as many shots as I wanted to, and as a result some of the image isn't perfectly in focus. The second is a shot taken after the sun rose and then edited in Lightroom. All I did was apply two gradients which modified the exposure and ended up with this amazing image. I think I am going to like this new job...

Portland Skyline (1 MB, Little Big)
Sunrise (2.5 MB, Kinda Huge)
Sunrise (56 MB, 'DON'T TELL I.T.' HUGE)

EDIT: It appears people want to see the original file. Here it is in Jpeg form.
Sunrise ~ No Edit (2.5 MB, Kinda Huge)
1.18.09 ~ Sea Kitten Update!

I couldn't NOT post this... It looks like they have trading cards as well. I may just have to buy those... Barb is gonna get it this Christmas! Anyway, google sea kittens for the full story. Here is PETA's version.